Monday, August 1, 2011

Be Friendlier Like Those Geezers Over There

Yesterday in church, I observed how all the old people (read: PREHISTORIC) seem to know each other. It's like they're all real buddies even though I doubt they really are. Obviously, in their advanced age, they have no time to be real snobs with one another. Their friendliness should be envied by today's generation.

Let's face it, most of us today are real douches for being totally unfriendly. Everyone seems to have a problem with one another. If somebody we're not really that close with tries to have a conversation with us, we tend to call him/her "feeler" (which, personally, I find really stupid). If that same person snubs us, we in turn backbite him/her for showing un-classy and undesirable traits (I hope by now you'd realize that since this is a PG blog, the harshest terms I could come up with are "un-classy" and "undesirable"). We, the so-called "hope of the motherland" as Dr. Jose P. Rizal would put it, are real ego-maniacs who claim to cherish friendships.
In actuality, we love to bring down others who don't seem to fit in our teensy weensy circle of friends. Being different from the group is a recipe for one to be ostracized.

If we had the friendliness of all the old geezers (for all of you with limited vocabulary, geezer is slang for an old person) in the world, I guess the world will be a better place. That is not to say that it is the blueprint for a Utopian society. All I'm saying is that a lot of fights, conflicts, misunderstandings, etc. would be minimized.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, dude!

    First comment! But don't worry, I'm not going to stop there. I'm not here to troll or something like that..

    Anyway, here goes. I'm not simply doing this because I'm practicing for our literary criticism class.

    Actually, I totally agree with you about everything. I believe that this whole damn world would be much better if we acted more like those old guys.

    I guess the fact that they are friendlier as compared to the people in our society stems from the fact that they are also somehow "outcasts" of society. I think you'll agree with me that most people (especially in Western countries) don't really give much attention to the elderly. They are usually left to rot (yeah, it's a bit harsh, but it's the truth) in homes for the elderly. In here, they learn to appreciate one another and are not exposed to the harsh environment of the society outside. Thanks to this, they are friendlier and more peace-loving.

    Anyway, that's it. I totally agree with you. I don't know if this will pass as a critique, which is why I won't be showing this in my lit class. LOL.

    I would also like to make a suggestion. Try watching the movie, "Of Gods and Men". It's a pretty recent movie that is based on a true story about Christian and Muslim monks in Algeria who are pretty much like the old dudes in your blog.
