Friday, October 7, 2011

Make a Change

(Disclaimer: This is not a eulogy for Steve Jobs)

Yesterday, the world lost one of the most influential men the world has ever known these past 100 years. He is Steve Jobs, co-founder and former Chief Executive Officer of Apple. Jobs is well know for his innovative gadgets like the Macbook, iPhone or iPod that you're probably using to read this.

Now, we all know that when someone famous dies, the world loves to pay tribute to that someone in each individual's own way. When Jobs died, everyone remembered many of his memorable lines. He was often quoted to say that his motto was "to live as if it was your last day".

I'm sure many would interpret those words differently than how I would. To them, it would mean that we should life to the fullest. Party hard! Drink beer like there's no tomorrow. Get high because you're not sure if you'd still be alive the next day to enjoy it all.

For me, however, living the present day as if it was your last day on earth means that the time to make a change is NOW. I like to think that's how Steve Jobs interpreted that line. See, he knew he had cancer. He has no idea how long he has to live. He dedicated his life, day by day, to making a change to world in a way he knew how: by giving us gadgets that can link the world and give us entertainment when boredom starts to eat us alive. And believe me, his gadgets did make a difference. Who could say he could leave home without his iPod and iPhone (both genuine and imitation ones)? Everyone is highly addicted to music nowadays and the iPod is our fix to this addiction. Before, cellphones were simply for calling and text messaging. The iPhone combined the two basic cellphone function with the ability to surf the internet as well as capturing photos and listening to music while on the go.

Now, before you start thinking I'm doing a shameless plug for Apple, I want you to know that I'm not. What I'm trying to say is that this man made a difference and you and I can, too.
I'm not a big fan of Apple or of Steve but his story is just inspirational. We should stay hungry and make a difference for this world. We could start doing this by making a change in ourselves. Stop being lazy and do whatever it is you want to do. Stop being timid or shy. Show the world what you got. Don't mind the critics, the cynics and the haters. Haters gonna hate. You may not be around this world tomorrow. You may never have the chance to write a song that makes the whole world sing. You may never be able to paint a picture so epic, hearts burst with emotions. Please. Don't waste your talent by sitting in front of your TV/computer. Don't waste your talent by not believing in yourself. Don't waste your talent by listening to haters. Make a difference. Now. You may not have the chance to do so tomorrow. When in doubt, ask yourself: WHAT DID STEVE JOBS DO?
To end this, here's a little testimonial about the little things that I could do to make a difference.

I've decided to write a story. I don't exactly know where this story will lead me to. It will or will not be as good as the classics that we read in school. It doesn't matter to me. It's how I can express myself and hopefully, through this expression of my thoughts and emotions I could inspire someone the way Steve Jobs inspired me. That's the change that I want to make. To inspire people to make a change for the better in the world themselves. What of the non-believers, you ask? I've been saying "I don't care" for a long time now and this time I mean it. I won't let non-believers get to me and you shouldn't too. Make a change. Now.

"If not now, when?"
-Brandon Boyd

Rage and Love,

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