Saturday, July 23, 2011

The Number Twenty Seven

In music, the number 27 is an ominous number.

For those of you who still have no clue about what's happening in other parts of the world, let me tell you, British singer Amy Winehouse was found dead in her home. She was 27 years old. Her death caused her to be the newest member of rock 'n' roll's infamous 27 Club, a list of musicians who died at the age of 27. Famous "members" of this club include Kurt Cobain, Jimi Hendrix and Jim Morrison. There are many others in this list but they haven't done anything as significant as the four previously stated.

This is sort of perplexing since my favorite number is 27. Is it high time to change that?

It's really difficult to fathom how the universe could have conspired that all these musicians who come from different generations would die at the same age.
Wasted talents, wasted talents. It's really sad to see anyone with talent die so early. Their talent could have made a difference in this world.

Rest in Peace, Amy Winehouse. It's hard to think how she'd find peace after wasting her life on earth with drugs and alcohol, but still. Rest in Peace.

Justin Bieber, you got 10 years left to live.

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