Friday, February 11, 2011

Help a Brotha Out

I occasionally contribute articles for the Sunday edition of Panay News, but I have not done so in the past couple of months due to me having no idea what to write about. I have a few issues I would like to rant about, but they're kind of a like "follow ups" to past articles I have written. There isn't wrong with following up a story or something, but I find it redundant. It's been a habit of mine before to write articles about one topic and I want to change that. I usually write about my likes and interests (politics, basketball, music, etc.) but I'd like to broaden the scope of topics I'll be writing about.
Having said that, I would like to ask y'all to give me something to write about. Suggest something... anything... What should I write about?
The editor of Panay News Sunday already asked me why was I not able to contribute these past months, and asked when he can expect an article from me. I said hopefully before February ends, I have something.
Your help will be appreciated.
Help a brother out.

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